Alarming Statistics about Disease Status of India

•Current projections suggest that India will have the largest cardiovascular disease burden in the world.

 •One fifth of the deaths in India are from coronary heart disease. By the year 2020, it will account for one third of all deaths. Sadly, many of these Indians will be dying young.

 •Heart disease in India occurs 10 to 15 years earlier than in the west.

 •There are an estimated 45 million patients of coronary artery disease in India. An increasing number of young Indians are falling prey to coronary artery disease. With millions hooked to a roller-coaster lifestyle, the future looks even more grim.

 •There are at least 50.8 million diabetics in India, which is the highest ever reported number from anywhere in the world according to International Diabetes Federation. The prevalence of diabetes varies between 6-8% in urban and 2-3% in rural adults.

 •Indians tend to be diabetic at a relatively young age of 45 years which is about 10 years earlier than in West.

 •The prevalence of diabetes varies between 6-8% in urban and 2-3% in rural adults.

 •There appears to be a steady increase in hypertension prevalence over the last 50 years, more in urban than in rural areas. Hypertension is 25-30% in urban and 10-15% in rural subjects.
Sedentary lifestyle is a major cause of death, disease and disability. Physical inactivity increases all causes of mortality, doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and obesity. It also increases the risk of colon and breast cancer, high blood pressure, lipid disorders and anxiety.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITS: Information in Indian System of Medicine

Treatment in AYURVEDA


Ayurvedic name: Amavata

Due to the hypo-functioning of ushma (Agni), the first dhatu viz. the rasa or chyle, is not properly formed and the anna-rasa undergoes fermentation or putrefaction (dushta) being retained in the amashaya. This state of rasa is ‘Ama’ where the impaired vatadi doshas being mixed up with one another lead to the ama-dosha- According to Vagbhata (A .H. Su. 13/25).

The disease ‘amavata’ is formed due to such vitiated ama-doshas. ‘Madhav-nidana’ explains this disease descriptively.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term disease that leads to inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. It can also affect other organs.



Foods/habits incompatible with your constitution

Poor digestion Sedentary lifestyle Consuming too much fat
Preventive Measures

Don’ts (Apathyas)

Avoid Curd, fish, jaggery, milk, flour of mash (black gram)

Avoid dushit jala (contaminated water) Avoid viruddha bhojan (incompatible food), asatmya food, visham bhojan Avoid control of natural urges (vegavrodh), , Avoid heavy, slimy foods (pischhil). Health Promoting Tips

Do’s (Pathyas)

Food like Yava (barley), Kulattha (horse gram), Raktashali (rice), Vastuk

Fresh vegetable like shigru (drum sticks), punarnava, karvellak (bitter gourd), parawar, ardrak (ginger)Usage of hot water, rasona or ginger (shodhit with takra), Jangal mansa (meat).
Curative Herbs 

Guggulu (Commiphora wightii)

Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) Eranda (Ricinus communis) Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) Shunthi (Zingiber Officinalis) Guduchi (Tinospora corifolia Willd.) Shigru (Moringa oleifera) Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) Rasona (Allium sativum) Prasarini (Paedaria foetida)

Treatment in UNANI


Wajaul Mafasil (Rheumatoid arthritis) is an inflammation of one or more joints associated with pain. It may be Balghami (phlegmatic) or Damavi (sanguine) and Murakkab (compound) acoording to predominance of Akhlat (humours).


 Predominance of Haar (hot) and Ratab (moist) Akhlat (humours) – Dam (blood),

Balgham (phelgm).Soo-e-Mizaj Azwi (Imbalance of temperament of organ).

Martoob Aab-o-Hawa (Humid climate).

Accumulation of Fasid Akhlaat (morbid humours) in blood due to Soo-e-Hazm


Infiaalat-e-Nafsania (Psychic influences).

Excessive intake of hot and moist food such as meat and dairy products.

Samn-e-Mufrat (Obesity).

Naqs-e- Taghzia (Deficient nutrition).

Kasrat-e-Sharab Noshi (Excessive consumption of alcohol).

Zarba-wa-Saqta (Injury).

Mauroosi (Hereditary).

Certain diseases affecting body immunity e.g. Aatshak (syphilis), Suzaak

(gonorrhoea), etc.

Preventive Measures

 Maintain body weight.

Avoid oily/fatty diets.

Maintain normal Ihtibas-o-Istifragh (retention and evacuation) through intake of

high fiber diet to regulate daily bowel movement.

Health Promoting Tips

 Do Riyazat (exercise) regularly as per instructions.

Adequate Naum (sleep).

Hijamah (cupping) is very beneficial. It decreases the inflammation of joints.

Curative Herbs 

Izkhar Lemon grass (Andropogon schaenar linn)

Arand root Castor (Ricinus communis Linn.)

Ajwain khurasani Henbane (Hyoscyamus alba Linn.)

Madar flower Madder (Calotropis gigantea (Linn.) Ait. f.)

Zanjabeel Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)

Suranjan talkh Colchicum (Colchicum luteum Bak.)

Joz masil Datura (Datura stramonium Linn.)

Asgand Withania (Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dun.)

Ispand Wild Rue (Peganum harmala Linn.)

Khulanjan Galangal (Alpinia galangal (Linn.)Willd.)

Biskhapra Hogweeds (Trianthema portulacastrum Linn.)

बच्चों को योग सिखाने के लाभ

– इससे बच्चें शांत होते है.

– आज के दौर में बच्चें भी बहुत तनाव में होते है. योग से उनका तनाव दूर होता है.

– योग बच्चों की एकाग्रता और संतुलन को बढाता है.

– योग करने से बच्चें सक्रीय और बेहतर जीवन शैली की ओर कदम बढाते है. – योग करने से बच्चों की नींद और अच्छी होती है.  – योग करने से बच्चों की कार्य प्रवीणता यानी मोटर स्किल में वृद्धि होती है. वे बारीक से बारीक और भारी से भारी काम ज़्यादा अच्छे से करते है.

– योग करने से बच्चों का पाचन अच्छा होता है . इससे उनके मुंह का स्वाद और भूख खुलने से वे सब कुछ खाना पसंद करते है. वे जंक फ़ूड से दूर रह पाते है. – योग से बच्चों में लचीलापन और शक्ति बढती है. – योग से बच्चें बेहतर तरीके से अपने विचार लिख-बोल पाते है. उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ता है. – योग से बच्चें अपने शरीर , मन , विचार और बुद्धि के प्रति जागरूक होते है. – योग करने से बच्चों का शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास होता है. – इससे बच्चों में रोग प्रतिकारक शक्ति का विकास होता है. बार बार सर्दी खांसी , अस्थमा और पेट की गड़बड़ी नहीं होती.  – बच्चों में किसी प्रकार की एलर्जी नहीं होती.  – बचपन में शरीर हल्का और लचीला होता है. कई आसन बचपन से ही करना चाहिए जैसे शिर्षासन. इससे बड़े हो कर भी वे अच्छे से सभी आसन कर पाते है.  – योग भारत का गौरव है इसे हर भारतीय को करते आना चाहिए. इससे देश के प्रति अभिमान में वृद्धि होती है.  – योग सीख लेने पर एक शैली में बच्चा निपुण हो जाता है. यह उसे अपने आगे के जीवन में बहुत काम आयेगा. – योग से प्राप्त लचीलापन , शारीरिक और मानसिक क्षमता अन्य खेल और कला सीखने में काम आएँगी. 

Stress Management at Office: Tips for relaxation

Right Posture Failure to adopt proper posture while in neutral standing or sitting end up in problem. Sit straight and tall at the edge of your chair.
Lunch Break Stress Exercises Yawning during working hours is the symptom to identify your stress level. You may fall asleep with the increasing level of stress.
Do few exercises before taking your lunch like:
Eye Exercise
You need rest to eyes for few seconds atleast twice during the course of your days work. Continuous concentration on one particular point or object, improper of over lighting and stress may harm the eyes.
1. Sit or stand straight 2. Without moving your body and neck, inhale and look up the ceiling. Hold it for few seconds 3. Exhale and gradually drop the sight down to look the floor 4. Similarly do it on side ways 5. Rotate your eyes slowly and steadily both clock wise and anti clock wise 6. Blink the eyes several times and close it to relax
Neck Relaxation Improper standing/sitting or continuous standing/sitting in one particular posture may lead to terrible aching, stress and end up in spondylitis. Relieve such things with Neck Relaxation techniques.
1. Keep the body straight, put your hands on waist and lower the neck ie touch your cheek on the upper part of chest 2. Hold for few seconds and take few breath at this position 3. Lift back the neck 4. Similarly do it on the reverse side 5. Then, touch your right shoulder with right ear, hold for few seconds and take few breath 6. Do the same on left side 7. Then, rotate your neck slowly and steadily clock wise few times and come back to neutral position and take few breath 8. Do it on the reverse side
Shoulder Exercise 1. Keep your hands on the waist and rotate your hands at shoulder level slowly clockwise and anti clockwise for few times 2. While inhaling stretch your hands so that it touch your ears. While exhaling bring back your hands to the side
Breathing Exercise Pranayama, the breathing exercise, may rejuvenate you, to carry on your work with extra energy.
1. Put your right thumb on your right nostril 2. Deeply inhale air using your left nostril 3. Close your left nostril with your right index finger and hold breath for few seconds 4. Exhale through left nostril 5. Do it similarly with left nostril closing right nostril 6. Now inhale through left nostril, hold breath and exhale through right nostril and do the other way 7. Practice few times
Yoga and Life Style Yoga is a traditional and cultural science of India, which preaches ideal life style and maintenance of health. It literally means unity with divine consciousness. Yoga brings about suitable changes in the behavioral pattern and the attitude of a person.
Asanas (Active Stretching) Traditionally Asana means a “sitting condition”, or “position”. There are three basic human postures like standing or sitting or lying postures. Though “posture” does not convey the full meaning of Asana, it is often referred alternatively. An Asana is an attitude, which is psycho-physiological in nature and cultures body and mind.
Types of Asanas  Cultural or Corrective Asanas Meant for reconditioning the body and mind so as to bring about stability, peace and a sense of well-being. Most of them work on abdominal part. Maximum numbers of Asanas are included in three sub groups
 A – Asanas working on Spinal Column  B – Asanas working on Interoceptros  Proprioceptors – Skeletal Muscles  Visceroreceptors – Visceral organs subjected to  pressure changes through intra- abdominal cavity  C – Asanas working on Vestibular Organs
Relaxative Asanas They work at the chitta (subtle aspect of consciousness) level that eliminate the physical and mental tensions. They are practiced in supine and prone position of the body respectively. Shavasana and Makarasana are two important relaxative asanas.
Meditative Asanas These asanas provide a comfortable and stable position of the body to make the mind more and more steady for the process of meditation. Padmasana, Sidhhasana and Swastikasana are few relaxative asanas.  
Stress Management through Promotion of Mental Health

  • M – Money Management, Minimize needs, Meditation
  • E – Earnest Expectations, Enjoy the work you do
  • N – Avoid Negative thinking
  • T – Try to be happy Today
  • A – Accept and Adopt Reality
  • L – Avoid Loneliness
  • H – Develop good Hobbies
  • E – Live in good Environment. Express yourself clearly
  • A – Be Active and have positive Attitude
  • L – Try to Learn more and Manage Life
  • T – Have realistic Targets and Tackle one at a time
  • H – Maintain Healthy life style